Hunan premixed mortar production enterprises sign and implement the industry self-discipline convent

Date: 2019-04-24
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Recently, because of the fierce market competition, the premixed mortar production enterprises have been competing against each other and competing for orders viciously, which has led to the decline of the efficiency of the premixed mortar production enterprises, the increase of accounts receivable, and even the phenomenon that some enterprises are difficult to maintain their livelihoods. In order to establish a normal market order, standardize market behavior, strengthen industry management, create a fair, just, healthy and orderly market competition environment, and safeguard the long-term interests of the industry, on April 9, 2019, Hunan premixed mortar production enterprises signed and implemented the Convention on Industry Self-Discipline.

Hunan premixed mortar production enterprises sign and implement the industry self-discipline convent

Hunan premixed mortar production enterprises sign and implement the industry self-discipline convent

In the Convention, fair competition among premixed mortar manufacturers, price formation of premixed mortar, supply principles and penalties of premixed mortar are clearly stipulated. Enterprises are required to abide by the Convention, consciously safeguard the common interests of the premixed mortar industry, establish a good corporate image and promote the development of the industry. Good competitive and cooperative relations should be established among production enterprises, and fraud, vicious low-price competition, deliberate price-raising, vicious price-cutting and abuse of market dominant position should be prohibited, thus undermining the credibility of the industry and harming the common interests of all.

Provincial Mortar Industry Association divides its member units into four groups to check and exchange with each other. On April 11, the fourth inspection group, headed by Guangsheng Mortar and composed of Yiyu, Jin Zen and Bairun, went to the renjian mortar for communication and inspection. The inspection team reviewed the sales contracts, shipments, delivery orders, accounts receivable and other first-hand information in recent years, and concluded that Renjian mortar did not have vicious competition and low-cost scrambling for orders.

Hunan premixed mortar production enterprises sign and implement the industry self-discipline convent

It is necessary to strengthen information exchange among premixed mortar production enterprises, inform a few enterprises that violate the Convention and report to industry associations, so as to avoid losses incurred by enterprises in the same industry and protect the legitimate interests of enterprises.





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