Fifty percent of new buildings will be built according to green standards

Date: 2018-11-29
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Green building with low carbon, energy saving, environmental protection and livability as its main characteristics has become an inevitable trend. 'Key Points of Building Energy Conservation and Construction Science and Technology Work in Changsha in 2018' was officially issued recently. In 2018, the proportion of green buildings in Changsha urban area will reach 50% of new buildings. At the same time, pilot projects of energy-saving renovation of public buildings will be carried out.

'Green building is not simply 'green' through greening, but more importantly, it adheres to the green concept in the design, construction and operation process, and runs through the whole life cycle of the building. At present, a total of 336 projects in changsha have obtained green building labels, with a total construction area of 35 million square meters, and more than 50% of new buildings in the city are under construction according to green standards, according to the person in charge of the office of building energy conservation and new wall materials management of the municipal commission of housing and urban-rural development.

According to the main points of this year's work, changsha urban area and each district, county (city) built-up area new civil building design stage and construction stage mandatory standard implementation rate will strive to reach 100%, further promote the overall level of building energy saving, the full implementation of building energy saving standards 65%; We will promote the construction of key cities to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings, and continue to reduce building energy consumption. More efforts will be made to promote green buildings. Green buildings in urban areas will account for 50 percent of new construction, and green buildings in changsha county, liuyang city and ningxiang city will account for 25 percent of new construction.
As the first mortar enterprise awarded the green building materials logo in hunan province, renjian mortar is among the best in the industry in terms of product quality and market share. Renjian  mortar in the government to seize the opportunity to promote green building materials at the same time on one mind, unity, strengthen internal management and product quality supervision, improve sales service level, strengthen their own strength, so as to continue to expand the market share.

五成新建筑将按绿色标准建设 人健砂浆将把握时机发展壮大

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