Hunan Bulk Cement Office directs the work of Provincial Premixed Mortar Industry Association

Date: 2018-11-29
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In order to further implement” the Measures for the Management of Premixed Mortar in Changsha City”,win the battle of defending the blue sky, strengthen the supervision of the product quality and production environment of the premixed mortar production enterprises in our province, and better promote and standardize the development of the ready-mixed mortar industry, on the morning of April 17, Director Liao Xiaowu and his delegation from Hunan Bulk Cement Office  conduct an Mortar Industry Association investigation and guidance.

At the symposium, Secretary-General Yue wencheng of the Association introduced the development of premixed mortar in our province in 2017. In 2018, he will continue to take the green industry development of premixed mortar as the leading factor, rely on the 'Changsha Premixed Mortar Management Measures', adhere to the green development, and strive to explore the development mode of premixed mortar under the background of environmental protection policy. The premixed mortar industry in our province has entered a stage of rapid development, and the number, scale, quality management level, market supply, design and production capacity of enterprises are in a comparative position.At a high level, enterprises have provided strong green mortar products and technical support for the work of 'prohibition of mortar' and also contributed to dust control, green development, energy saving and emission reduction, and environmental protection.

Director Liao affirmed the achievements of the association and said that the mortar association should do a good job in supervising and managing enterprises, policy guidance and technical services, continue to work hard, create an atmosphere, and actively promote the use of premixed mortar. At the same time, we should lead the premixed mortar production enterprises to do a good job in transformation, upgrading and quality construction, seize the opportunity of good policy environment, establish a formal production, management and quality control system, attach great importance to the construction of industry standards and standards, and always combine the construction of mortar enterprises with the high-level development of industry at a high standard and starting point, and do a good job in technological innovation and market opening, truly realize the leap-forward development of enterprises.

Director Liao stressed that premixed mortar industry associations and production enterprises should grasp the new opportunities for industry development, promote the development and application of premixed mortar in a healthy and orderly manner, base themselves on the long-term, work according to the facts, enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for the development and application of premixed mortar, take the trend as it is, innovate and develop, establish, perfect and implement the evaluation system of scientific development. Targeted and precise measures should be taken to find out and break through the weak links and make up for the shortcomings in the development of the industry. Scientific planning and comprehensive promotion should be made to do a good job in 2018.




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