Hunan premix mortar association held the first third general meeting and experience exchange meeting

Date: 2018-11-29
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On May 18, 2018, the experience exchange meeting of the first third  general meetings of hunan  premixed  mortar association was successfully held in hengyang city,the meeting was attended by representatives of provincial economy and information technology commission, provincial private affairs office, state leaders, mortar association and member units.Hengyang city people's government deputy secretary general xiao chunlin, the provincial economic and information technology commission raw materials department director Chen jun, deputy director xie ling, provincial office director liao xiaowu, hengyang city economic and information technology commission deputy director wan kejian attended the meeting and made a speech.

He jiangang, executive vice President of the association, pointed out in the 2017 work report of the association,the province has built nearly 40 dry mixed mortar production lines with a capacity of 12 million tons.In the whole year, 2.8 million tons of dry mixed mortar were produced and sold, double that of 2016. Among them, 1.7 million tons were produced and sold in changsha, triple that of 2016.Premixed mortar has risen from strong policy promotion to self-acceptance, which shows the strong development potential of the premixed mortar industry.At present, six enterprises in the whole province have passed the provincial scattered laboratory certification,and three enterprises have passed the green building materials label of Hunan Province.Especially in 2017, Hunan Renjian took the lead in passing the certification of Hunan Green Building Material Marking, and became the first two-star green building material marking premixed mortar enterprise in Hunan Province.In order to strengthen quality management and do a good job in after-sales service, the association will organize skills training for laboratory staff in early June to urge enterprises to do a good job and improve the 'information management platform for ready-mixed mortar industry'.At the same time, in order to better improve the level of after-sales service, mortar tank companies will be urged to implement centralized management, unified allocation and paid use of mobile mortar tanks.

Hunan Shunxin, Hunan Renjian and other 6 enterprises made experience exchange speeches at the meeting, and made in-depth discussions and exchanges on declaration of 'green building materials logo', strengthening detailed management, ensuring product quality, building qualified laboratories and opening up markets.

The meeting was a complete success.The association has well explained the role of 'bridge link' between government and enterprises, and let the government understand the development status and problems of mortar enterprises.The participants exchanged and drew lessons from each other, and made great contributions to the better and healthy development of the mortar association.




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