Changsha engineering quality supervision station will carry out a special inspection

Date: 2018-11-29
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In order to promote the use of premixed mortar, further improve the quality of engineering construction of changsha construction, carry out compulsory insurance provisions engineering construction standard and relevant technical standards, to ensure that the construction of engineering structure security and the use function, changsha engineering quality surveillance joint scattered do cement office in changsha city, Hunan premixed mortar industry association will in October 2018 to carry out a citywide special inspection of the usage of premixed mortar for construction project.

This inspection adopts the random inspection method of the whole city, with key inspections:(1) the design unit in the design document whether to indicate the type of premixed mortar, strength grade and other performance indicators and technical requirements.(2) whether the supervision unit will  premixed mortar use into the daily supervision scope.(3) whether the construction unit use premixed mortar according to relevant requirements.(4) Whether the batch quality test report provided by the premixed mortar production enterprise to the construction unit is complete, especially waterproof mortar, aerated concrete masonry block special mortar, etc..(5) Site construction quality and technical data collection.

Check the requirements and objectives of the work:(1) For the items that do not use premixed mortar according to the provisions, the inspection team will issue the rectification notice;If the circumstances are serious, the project manager shall be directly issued with the scoring notice of illegal behaviors,relevanted supervision groups or district, county (city) and parked quality supervision institutions were instructed to implement work stoppage and rectification measures for the project.(2) If the selected project site has the use of cement, should be the cement spot check.If necessary, random sampling can be carried out by the inspection team.(3) site use of premixed mortar data completion or on the quality of doubt, by the inspection team random sampling sent for inspection.(4) after the completion of the inspection, issued a notice of inspection.(5) the inspection will solicit the project on the use of premixed mortar opinions and suggestions, promote the further promotion and use of premixed mortar.(6)For projects that do not require the use of premixed mortar, the qualification of participating in the project appraisal shall be cancelled.




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