Renjian mortar has performed excellently in the quality behavior supervision and inspection

Date: 2018-11-29
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In order to strengthen the quality supervision and management of pre-mixed mortar production enterprises, standardize the quality behavior of pre-mixed mortar production enterprises, and ensure the quality of construction projects,changsha city construction engineering quality surveillance in conjunction with the bulk cement office in changsha city, hunan province the ready-mixed mortar industry association in 2018 on July 31, July 17 solstice to supply to changsha region of ready-mixed mortar production enterprise organization structure, quality assurance system operation, laboratory management, technical data and the strength of the lien block mortar performance, quality of raw materials, product quality and so on has carried on the special supervision and inspection, mainly checks whether enterprises upload production quality and technical data and supply data to the construction site to the information platform.

In this inspection, the quality supervision station believes that in enterprises with strong quality awareness, advanced management, standardized laboratory work and better data upload supervision system, renjian mortar plays a leading and exemplary role.On the one hand, in the operation of the quality assurance system, we have strengthened the quality awareness, established a management organization composed of professionals and formulated a management system suitable for enterprises.On the other hand, strict implementation of quality information management, installation of ERP system, upload relevant quality technical data and site supply data, has a continuous flow number and automatic production of two-dimensional code out of the warehouse.

We will further strengthen the awareness of quality management, strictly implement the quality management system, continue to improve the construction of premixed mortar quality supervision platform, timely and completely upload the technical data and supply data of mortar quality to the industry information supervision platform, and ensure the steady improvement of premixed mortar quality.






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