The leaders of Hunan Industry and Information Technology Department visited the company to carry out

Date: 2019-04-22
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In order to visit key premixed mortar enterprises at grass-roots level and on-the-spot, investigate and understand their production and operation, technological equipment and current difficulties and problems, March 8, 2019, Vice-Director Zhang Zhiping, Vice-inspector Wu Xuelong and Director Chen Jun of Raw Materials Department, accompanied by Director Liao Xiaowu  of Hunan Bulk Cement Office    and Director Zhou Da of  Changsha  Bulk Cement Office, went to Hunan Renjian Dry Mortar Co., Ltd. hold a symposium on research activities. Leaders of the company attach great importance to it. General Manager He Jiangang and factory director Fan Dali accompany them to visit production workshops and laboratories, and report on the situation.

The leaders of Hunan Industry and Information Technology Department visited the company to carry out

Hunan renjian dry mortar co., LTD., as a branch of renjian group, is committed to leading the mortar industry in hunan province, relying on its own efforts to develop and become bigger and stronger. It can produce more than 10 kinds of dry mortar and dozens of products, with an annual production capacity of 1 million tons. The company focuses on the research of special mortar on the basis of ordinary mortar. Now it cooperates with the research institute of hunan jiaotong vocational and technical college to develop special mortar by using steel slag and tailings which are dangerous and cover a wide area. 2018 Pakistan hunan fair, also has obtained the encouraging result, and special mortar to free repair cracks in the bath Stan founding father's tomb - jinnah's tomb, Pakistan will be invited domestic influential media to special report, mortar improving people health awareness, a positive response to the national strategy of 'area', become the first outside of the mortar enterprises in hunan province.

With the increasing protection of non-renewable resources by the state, River sand are scarce and the price is rising, while the quality of manufactured sand is unstable. In order to ensure the market supply and product quality, the laboratory has to spend a lot of energy to check the quality of materials and develop products. Secondly, it is difficult to withdraw funds. On the one hand, the cost of raw materials has risen sharply. On the other hand, according to the provisions of the contract, 80% of the monthly repayment is liable to cause the rupture of the enterprise's capital chain. Thirdly, taxation is heavier. Renjian mortar is not only an influential enterprise in the mortar industry, but also a big tax collector. It pays various taxes stipulated by the state on time. In 2018, the tax revenue is nearly ten million yuan. For a small and medium-sized private enterprise, the tax revenue is heavier. This year, the state has reduced and exempted a lot of taxes, but the benefits for the building materials industry are negligible. Fourthly, the value-added tax rate dropped to 13%, and there was almost no tax deduction for raw materials. There was a big tax gap between customers and raw materials suppliers, which caused greater financial pressure to the company.

The leaders of Hunan Industry and Information Technology Department visited the company to carry out

Leaders affirmed the research spirit of human renjian mortar. Special mortar is a new material of technological innovation. Human renjian mortar can produce special mortar by using high and new technology. It can collect national new material policies, declare relevant fund projects with a definite purpose, and also declare high and new technology enterprises by using special mortar to join GEM to list, so as to solve the problems of financing difficulties and easy breakage of capital chain.

The leaders of Hunan Industry and Information Technology Department visited the company to carry out

Comrade Zhang Zhiping pointed out that human renjian  mortar embodies entrepreneurship. We should continue to increase investment in technology, transform knowledge points learned into product research and development and quality control, avoid the increasingly fierce competition of ordinary mortar, and take the road of development of high-tech enterprises. Secondly, technological innovation is the face of enterprises. Human renjian  can improve the standard of laboratory research and development, build scientific research centers, strengthen the construction and management of laboratory system, and improve the ability of scientific and technological research and development. Thirdly, scattered organizations need to strengthen communication with associations and enterprises, and associations need to strengthen policy guidance. To study the government's financial support policies for enterprises in green manufacturing and green production, and to help enterprises integrate into the industrial chain.

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